This year, the theme of SSJ Advent Saturdays is Party, Party, Party.
For our first Saturday in Advent it’s…
Karaoke & Clove Oranges!
Tonight, it’s time for some holiday Karaoke with friends who’ve rented a room in a Karaoke club especially for the occasion. We’re already filling the club’s app with our top tunes of all time. It’s going to be epic! Beforehand, we’re going to get our holiday disco on at home by creating some easy, old-school Clove Orange Pomanders.

How do I make a Clove Orange Pomander?
I don’t think anyone needs a formal tutorial on this one, do they? Poke an orange with the stem ends of whole cloves! Okay, but if you want to be fancy about it…..First, I take the centre of a long ribbon and place it on the top of an orange. Then, I wrap the ribbon down to the base of the orange, cross the ends, and bring them back at a 90degree angle to knot at the top. The orange is now divided into 4 segments by the ribbon, which I tie into a bow. Next, I help keep the ribbon in place by first pressing the pointy long tips of whole cloves in a line down the orange on either side of each of those 4 ribbon pieces. After that, I fill in the 4 segments of the orange with cloves as I please. Finally, either I let the long ends of the ribbon pool onto the surface where I sit my orange, or I tighten my bow, double-knot its loops, and use the long ends to hang the orange from a hook or on a tree limb. Et voila!

2022: Fry Day Film Noir
2021: “Pide-Day,” Turkish Pide Two Ways
2020: Retro Bakes, The Candy Cane Look-Alike Edition
2019: Design Bookplates
2018: Write a Punk Rock Christmas Carol
2017: Christmas Concert
2016: Tree Trimming Party with Homemade Eggnog
2015: Rewrite the Song of the Summer as a Holiday Carol
2014: Adopt an Animal From the World Wildlife Fund
2013: Give a Bear Hug!
2012: Read & Illustrate The Winter’s Tale, Acts I-II
2011: Pancakes, Syrup, and a Classic Film
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