Edible or Upcycled Christmas Table Decor
Remember the replica of my #wyrdshed the family made back in SSJ Advent 2020? Today, we’re throwing caution to the wind and creating some homemade and upcycled table decor for our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dining table.
The Edible
We’ve got the edible covered! We’ll be making Springerle Napkin Holders using SSJ’s Springerle Recipe, only we’re using a metal straw to punchy a hole at the top (ornament style) or a large metal bubble tea straw to punch two large holes (one on the east and west side of each cookie) before baking. Springerle last for a VERY LONG time (if you can put off eating them), so we can store these in a tin until we’re ready to use them. And when that time comes, we’ll draw ribbons through those holes we punched in the cookies and wrap them around our table linens. Of course, this little bit of baked decor will look great around the Sashiko Napkins we made earlier this month. And the anise scent will be lovely at table.
The Upcycled
As for the upcycled, we’ll be trying a viral social media trend: which Instagram project really made me (and apparently, lots of other people) ooh and ahh? The Upcycled Tin Garland (see this glorious Instagram reel) which Kataharina of @_hausimwald creates from empty tubes of tomato paste. We’ll be making a few mini-ornaments like hers and attaching them to our cookie napkin holders!
We’ll also ask Bea to make some of her lovely placecards for the table.
Updates to follow here and on Instagram.

2022: AGO and Dim Sum
2021: Two-Day Giant Crossword and Cookie Baking Challenge
2020: Dinner & Star Wars in the Living Room [with Take Out Fish & Chips]
2019: Kringlewood Lights & Inflatables Tour
2018: Topping Up the Food Bank Box
2017: Breakfast for Dinner
2016: Rewrite the Song of the Summer as a Holiday Carol
2015: Dinner and Star Wars
2014: Throw-Back Thursday: Scramble, Christmas Clue, Shadow-Puppet Theatre,Butterbeer Blondies
2013: It’s a Carol Off! Rewrite an Existing Christmas Carol or “Christmassify” a Popular Song
2012: Make Silhouette Self-Portrait Cards & Send Them to Family & Friends
2011: Trim Another Tree
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