AGO Sketch Night
Tonight, we’re going to go to the Wednesday Night Extended Hours at the Art Gallery of Ontario and spend a few moments sketching in one of the galleries. We’re also really interested in checking out the Keith Haring exhibit as well as Life Between Islands: Carribean-British Art 1950’s to Now. We’re members of the AGO. But Wednesday Nights from 6-9pm are free at the AGO if you pre-register! Oh, and if we happen to stop at the AGO Bistro for one of their fantastic cocktails to toast the Feast of Santa Lucia, who’s to blame us?
2022: Donate to Rethink Breast Cancer
2021: Santa Lucia’s Cookbook Club
2020: Design, Bake, and Build a Gingerbread Structure
2019: Spooky Santa Lucia Film Fest
2018: Feast of Santa Lucia Family Book Exchange
2017: Santa Lucia Celebration
2016: Give a Bee Hive via Plan Canada Gifts of Hope #givingtuesday
2015: Holiday Cookie Bake Off
2014: Stir-Up Saturday: Cherry and Pistachio Studded Short Bread Cookies
2013: Watch Topper & His Girl Friday and Make Thin Crust Pizzas
2012: Learn “Who” to Knit, Begin a Family/Welcome-Guest Scarf Project
2011: Christmas Crack-ups
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