Welcome to Smelling Salts Journal!
My name is Roseanne. I am a writer, editor, and archivist. And, I live in Toronto, Ontario, with my husband, Blaise Moritz, our daughter and son (when they’re on break from university), and our lovely F1B bernedoodle, Nimue. You might know me from my ongoing work as a creative and professional writer (see roseannecarrara.com), from my days as an instructor and PhD in Eighteenth-Century Literature at the University of Toronto, or from the online magazines I edited for six years, The Lunchbox Season and Summer of Funner.
Smelling Salts is my new home. (Well, it’s been my home for six years, now, but it still feels new!) It’s a public journal where I share my opinions about the things that fill me with purpose, either because of their inherent goodness or because they’ve forced me to resort to my “smelling salts.” I also keep track of my participation in Toronto’s creative culture as well as the tools and strategies I use to try and live a balanced life. And, I cook, indexing my family’s recipes, trying out new ones, and tweaking classics from this century and centuries past. I focus on using and preserving in-season ingredients, making meals and celebrations easy and elegant.
I hope Smelling Salts Journal revives you, too!
Looking to get in touch? Check out my Contact page.