It’s a new year! Time for another epic list of SSJ love-to-do’s!
2021 To-Do List [100 A to Z]
- All-in: find new ways to listen
- Artist book with “Bobby”
- Aufguss and more Aufguss
- Baked Alaska and other lost, luxurious desserts
- Big-ass karaoke party
- Blitz micro-meditation sessions
- Block printed fabric
- Change all the passwords
- Check in on people more
- Chore coat & thinking cap just for the #wyrdshed
- City-wide cross-country skiing
- Collingwood Christmas greenery
- Cookbook cull & cookbook club
- Correspondence! Correspondence! Correspondence!
- Couture sewing techniques and vintage patterns
- Cove swim & bonfire
- Cover “FFF” for JS Xmas Marathon
- Deep-stretch yoga
- Discover even more walking trails
- DIY tap board & more tap classes
- Do not tempt fate: replace the MacBook!
- Driving lessons for B [outsourced]
- Embroider something handmade
- Epic Sunday suppers
- Evil-eye nail polish & other whimsies
- Family filmmaking
- FFS! Repaint the bedroom ceiling, already!
- Find ways to honour the missing and the dead
- For all the reasons, Montreal
- Four-season closet cull
- Fresh perennials for the old back garden
- Go ahead! Cut your own hair!
- Gourmet Wednesday lunch dates
- Hang more artwork
- Hardcore solstice & equinox celebrations
- Hide the scuffed kitchen floor with a runner
- High tea in the woods 2.0 [and in more places]
- House Peking Duck [and other picnics]
- Procure the perfect white shirt
- Indoor plant parenting refresher course
- January kitchen edit + caulk
- Jo March vest in velvet
- Kickboxing & more kickboxing
- Kids’ summer jobs & finance modelling
- Learn to quilt by making a quilted garment
- Lift heavier & more often
- Linen Blanca flight suit
- Little black book of automatic writing, continued
- LTL, the Great Un-zooming
- Make Jen’s salsa & learn to salsa
- Master the Toaster Sweater
- Maximalist entertaining with minimal effort
- Micro-tackle unpleasant tasks
- Modern rendition of that favourite lost wool coat
- Monty-Don-inspired backyard veg & herb container garden
- More porch stealth drops
- Nap regularly & sleep longer
- Naturally sweetened jam
- New front porch floor and steps
- No-money basement overhaul
- Old brown velvet into a Sapporo coat
- Organize and archive old media
- OTT floral print Emery dress
- Outdoor furniture update
- Paint the hallway & common areas
- PEC & Stratford jaunts
- Photography techniques & editing upgrade
- Piano duet with T
- Pink Palisade pants & blazer
- Plan a 2022 R&J getaway
- Plant even more bulbs!
- Poetry chapbook & monthly writing retreats
- Pomodoro method, just once
- Re-read Clarissa [just like the summer of ‘99]
- Re-up kids’ cooking, swimming, and biking skills
- Refashion the work-day
- Reinvent piano practice
- Replace the bistro set
- Rewrite the end of the novel
- Sailor jeans and more sailor jeans
- Satire, a spring intensive
- Saturday Night Family Film Festival, continued
- Send care packages
- Signature #wyrdshed cocktail
- Sing more & maybe even write a song
- Slay the 2020 taxes!
- Soft striped Pietra pants and Ogden cami
- Sour cherry & other summer fruit projects
- Start planning that dream vacation
- Summer radio show or serial
- Survive the first kid leaving for University
- Take the damn time to apply for arts grants
- That Eadmund project, oh, and that space thing…
- Tortoiseshell reading glasses
- Translate Beowulf again
- Trombone lessons for T
- Try snowshoeing
- Unusual pickles & bespoke canning
- Update the basement bathroom
- Write more spells and curses
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