How I got in over my head….
Each year, since they were quite small, I’ve made an Advent Calendar for my kids. This began, as it did in my childhood home, as a paper chain. I’d loop strips of red and green construction paper together with small messages and TBDs written on the inside. Each day, we’d rip a loop off the chain and proceed to make cookies or find a charity donation box or have a snowball fight…
Keeping it simple…
Of course, as the holidays rolled around, I realized how much I really like planning for advent, navigating the family’s busy schedules and finding the space and time for annual advent traditions and new tasks. At least, I love that Saturday in early November when I sit down with a huge mug of coffee, a couple of paper calendars, and make my list….But, how could I organize it so that I didn’t have to create a shiny new post for every day of the month, so that I’d actually enjoy Advent again?
This year, I created a simple events calendar for us to access and follow on a daily basis. Sure, all of the events are accessible in one fell swoop. So, the kids can “cheat” and scroll over each day of the month to figure out what we’ll be doing that day. But, they’ll still have to wait for the “day of” to take part in what we’ve got planned. Personally, I can’t wait for this one:
So, while our 2017 Advent Calendar is just as action packed as it was in previous years, I’m hoping that this marks a return to balance. I’m hoping we’ll all be able to sit back and actually enjoy everything we’re doing this year.
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